What I will miss about isolation from a confused quarantined mind.
I wake up each day thankful. Or at least I try.. Some days are harder than others. Some days my friends cheer me up and others I cheer them up… its a cycle and we are all in it.. not together per se but in it nonetheless. I’m mostly thank full that we are safe.. that despite mild illness we have not been too affected by this virus from a health perspective. From a financial standpoint well thats a whole other story I will just gloss over for now.
Isolation is tough on us all but it is not all bad and to be quite honest there are definitely good things about being in this unique situation that we have found ourselves in.
This morning I decided to write a list of all the things
I would miss about isolation and all the things I looked forward to and realized that I may be a little confused!
Let me explain…
I’m going to miss not spending money on clothes and shoes I don’t need..
But I’m really looking forward to shopping for clothes and shoes I don’t need.
I’m going to miss having the kids home 24/7 .
But I’m looking forward to the peace and quiet when the kids can go out again.
I’m going to miss a home cooked breakfast in bed made by my oldest son who is a chef.
But.. I am looking forward to going out for breakfast again that isn’t going to be nearly as good.
I’m going to miss home cooked meals every day.
But I’m looking forward to not having to cook and being able to eat out even if it’s not as good.
I’m going to miss the fact that I am not spending much on gas by staying home.
But I can’t wait to go for a drive somewhere, anywhere.. just because..
I will miss all the time I have to catch up on the things I don’t get around to doing.
But I’m looking forward to being able to put off the things I don’t like as I’m too busy.
I’m going to miss being able to stay in Pyjamas all day and not wear make-up.
But I am really looking forward to getting dressed up and putting my make up on.
I’m going to miss the zoom calls of people virtually cheering each other on with glasses of wine or coffee in hand.
But Im looking forward to real get togethers where we can hear the clink of the glasses when we cheers.
There are many more confusing feelings about this isolation but it has taught me to slow down. It has taught me to appreciate some things differently and it has taught me the value of what we do have
But I’m really really really looking forward to it being OVER!